Category: Everyday Life

  • My First Aid Box

    I have a very mobile toddler. And by mobile, I hardly mean “skilled”. It’s actually quite reminiscent of people watching Frat Row on a Friday night. He crashes into things more frequently than actually reaching his intended destinations. And forget turning around, that’s asking way too much. Unless the dog is handy to hold on…

  • Celebrate the Lifegivers

    Celebrate the Lifegivers

    Yesterday was Mother’s Day. It was a day to celebrate mothers and all they do. It wasn’t too long ago that I avoided church on Mother’s Day. It made my empty womb too much to bear. And yesterday, as we headed into church, my heart broke for those battling infertility. I wondered how many were…

  • Packing for a Frenectomy

    I can’t believe we leave for LA today. Tomorrow we see Dr. James Jesse and Liam’s smile will be changed forever. For good reasons… but forever different. Is it crazy that I’m struggling so much with that? Anyways, on to what is in the bag… I really racked my brain this week to try and…

  • All Tied Up: Lip Tied & Tongue Tied

    Never doubt that “mommy sense”. Fight for what you feel is “wrong” or “off”. Do not let other’s belittle your concerns. You know your baby better than anyone else. I should have fought before, but I’m fighting now. And we’re going to win this curve ball after Liam has “surgery” next week in California.. Back…

  • Activities: Pull String Toy

    Continuing with activities I’ve created for Pip, here is how I made our fun Pull String Toy. I found this idea on Pinterest, and it was quick and easy to recreate at home! This toy is great for cause and effect,  pincher grasp,  pulling, using two hands separately (one to hold the container, one to…

  • Scrunchy: Toy Cleaner

    Continuing on my “scrunchy trend”, I made some toy cleaner from my essential oils! I got this idea over the weekend from my friend Anna who had made some for her diaper bag. Between our day trips around Colorado and flights back to California, this stuff will come in handy! And the best part? It’s…

  • Activities: Clips!

    With a Masters degree in Speech-Language Pathology and many years of experience in the special education system, I’m quite keen on exposing Pip to a multitude of activities. I work hard to vary the modalities he is using in the activities I am providing. We love to do a lot of fine motor activities together,…

  • Scrunchy: DIY Hair Detangler

    I’m surprised at how “crunchy” I have become since having Liam. I’m not TOTALLY “crunchy”, just somewhat. Hence the term “scrunchy”. I read all the labels and am very aware of everything that goes in or on his body. That’s why I delved into the world of essential oils. Even then, I really researched the…

  • [the] Fam’s 5 Faves: Babywearing (in the heat!)

    [The] Fam’s 5 Faves: Babywearing (in the heat) by tararoehl on Polyvore A floppy hat is great for covering baby’s head, especially when they don’t want the hood up! I love my Arctic Chill Towel! I wear it between baby and me. The key to keeping baby cool is to NOT let them get damp!…

  • Babywearing: The “M”

    Continuing on last Thursday’s post about “Knee-to-Knee“, I wanted to discuss the important of baby’s leg and hip positioning when leg’s out in a carrier. Firstly, the carrier should ALWAYS go “knee-to-knee“. If it does not, it is not adequately supporting your little one’s hips. The ideal position is the “M” position. The blue arrows…