Category: Uncategorized
Birds: Extras
I’ve tried to keep everything for this unit accessible online or from local stores, as we are all still pretty locked down. But there have been a few items I have purchased to get ready for this unit and I wanted to share in case people wanted them as well! I move this post ahead…
Learning on the Road: Audiobooks
Reading aloud is crazy important to us. I’ve written about it before and continue to harp on it to whoever will listen. For us, reading aloud takes place all over. At night as the kids fall asleep, on Wednesday afternoons while they bathe after forest school and under the trees on park days. But it…
Prep & Hover
We are watching Pip closely, as he has extensive airway swelling from surgery. But I’m going to be honest, there is only so many cartoons I can take before I lose my mind! So, a walk was in order. I loaded up our handy dandy wagon and gave him a popsicle for the road. We…
Mr. Borderline
Pip has so many strengths. His heart is huge. He loves others fiercely, cries when his friends cry and loves with every part of his being. He’s my thinker, always working on a problem or maze in his head. He’s my watcher, noticing needs before most. He is also my Mr. Borderline…when it comes to…
Disconnected… Kinda
I deleted Facebook off my phone shortly after our vacation started. Anyone who knows me, knows this is a big deal. Not because I particularly love Facebook, but because a bunch of the programs I run work because of Facebook. So deleting it also meant letting go of it all for a short bit of…
The Weather Outside is… Delightful?
It’s been quite the week of weather here in Colorado. It started in single digits and broke 60°F yesterday. We definitely are experiencing all the seasons this week! To kick off the New Year, we’ve been paying particular attention to temperature. We enjoy looking over the day’s temperature changes using this site. Then we mark…
Porch Swing Views: Bikes and Struggles
Today’s temperature has climbed to a gorgeous 64°F. As we left the co-working space we love, I promised the kids a picnic on the lawn and bike riding. I texted O on the way home to let him know the plan and he sweetly pulled out Pip’s bike. Only to discover both tires were flat.…
Gameschool: Outfoxed
Word has spread in the family – a perfect gift for us is always a game! Children learn so many fantastic things through games. Beyond just turn taking, patience and problem solving. You can target history, geography, math, critical thinking and more! Gameschooling itself it a huge movement in the homeschool community for good reason.…
Forest School 2017: Day 1
I had learned about forest school via world wide web. I’d show videos to my husband and told him how much I wish we had one near us. It was pure chance that I found our local forest school! A mom had posted on a local homeschooling group about the activities she was enrolled in…
The first scare…
Somehow both of our children have been able to give us a good scare before they were even a month old. Confession: I doubted I had any “mommy sense” when Liam was first born. His delivery was emotionally difficult and left me feeling like I was “behind” most other moms. You know, the ones who…