Feeling a little blue today …

We are SO excited to find out it is a baby BOY on the way in January. You can ask Oliver, I’ve had an inkling it was a boy from the very day we found out *smile* The party was a HUGE success, and turned out just as we’d hoped. Low key, people we love around us, people we love watching via webcam! People watched our unveiling *LIVE* as far away as Asia! And more people are watching the recording! Squishy is so very loved all the way around the world!

Here at the house we had fruit & dip, chips & dip, tea and lemonade for snacking… friends drove in from all over, everyone from my parents’ neighbors, friends from former jobs, church family … we were surrounded by people who love us and are excited for baby Roehl! And everyone was dressed in pink and blue to cast their “votes” for the occasion!


The girls gathered around the dining room to talk, the boys hid out in the media room with dad’s new 65″ 3D TV 😉


Even Chief was “dressed” for the occasion! (That’s his girlfriend, Piper, wanting in on the kisses too *smile*)


About 3pm everyone started looking at their watches and counting down. Mom found Oliver pacing the house – he was so excited to begin! We started up the webcast and pulled out the AMAZING cake from Sugar, Butter, Flour.


Our amazing cake – what color is inside?!


Soon it was 4pm. Everyone gathered around with their colored pennants and dad prayed over us and this precious new life we’re bringing into the world…


Dad praying over our future!


Now was the time EVERYONE had been waiting for …

Cutting the cake…


It’s a BOY!!!!


Needless to say, we’re a little excited *smile*




Thank you again EVERYONE – for those who came, those who watched, those who sent us well wishes, those who have prayed for us! We can’t wait to meet our little boy in January!

<3 Oliver and Tara


P.S. If you took photos at the party – PLEASE send them our way! taranicoleslp at gmail dot com






One response to “Feeling a little blue today …”

  1. Wendy Hoard Avatar
    Wendy Hoard

    Congrats you two! We had a fabulous time celebrating with you! <3

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