Daring Greatly: The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto

Oliver had this book recommended to him recently, and just started reading it this morning. I’m excited to get my hands on this book, as all day long I have heard “oh my gosh!” and “of course!” and “wow!” coming from him as he stares into his tablet or phone (he’s reading it on his kindle app). A few times he has handed it to me and asked me to read a certain section so we can talking about it. Once such section was the “Parenting Manifesto”. I really like what it has to say. Now don’t get me wrong, I in no way think it will be easy to do any of this or think every one of you agree with it. So don’t feel you have to debate me *smile* It’s just something I think everyone should read and consider. So… consider away! (and click the book cover to read more about the book itself on amazon!)


Download the PDF of this at http://www.brenebrown.com
Click the image to download the PDF of this. More available at: http://www.brenebrown.com


<3 Tara and Oliver






One response to “Daring Greatly: The Wholehearted Parenting Manifesto”

  1. Debby Hoffman Avatar
    Debby Hoffman

    Love the manifesto – it is not too late to give it to my girls…….

    I am glad you are doing well (well, well enough) and are in good care! Love and hugs to you, Oliver and Baby!!!!!!

    : ) Debby

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