Continuing on last Thursday’s post about “Knee-to-Knee“, I wanted to discuss the important of baby’s leg and hip positioning when leg’s out in a carrier. Firstly, the carrier should ALWAYS go “knee-to-knee“. If it does not, it is not adequately supporting your little one’s hips.
The ideal position is the “M” position. The blue arrows show Liam’s legs, folded over at the knee, represented by the black circles. The red arrows show the line of his seat, which drops slightly below the level of his knee, the deepest point being at the star. This position gives baby a good “seat” while holding the hips in an open and supported position. The thigh is supported all the way to the knee, because you are in a carrier that goes “knee-to-knee“!
This applies to ALL carriers in which a baby is “legs out” – on your front, side or back!
The “M” Position while wrapped..
(have mercy on my wrapping skills here.. this is the FIRST time I got him on my back!)
For more information on the impact of leg positioning and hips, you can read this page over at the International Hip Dysplasia website.
❤ Tara
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